Its weird tho like 60 FPS untill theres gun smoke then it tanks down lol to me ill rather have the smoke gone then keep it but like i said dont know how maybe one of you did it?Īnyway sorry for long post just get a launch command screen that wont take controller input it asks me to select a default emulator optionsĢ wich is brutalzdoom then i get a black screen as if zdoom was going to start but after 5/10 seconds back to emulationstation im sorry to be a pain but im a huge doom fan and this would mean a lot to me. Man if i only knew how to do this or i would of already.Īlso if some one not been aware yet the new version of brutal just came out brutal doom v21 beta and Its really awesome to bad the effects kill the experience for me cause the pi cant handle it. Maybe we can make it happen i know theres a small doom community here on the pi so why not some how get together and try to optimized brut doom for the pi as much as possible kinda like they did with Minecraft but with all features intact with just reduced effects or removed effects optimal play. Im suprised it runs if you remove those effects OR even decrease it some how itll run at like 40-60fps Def playable because Its already 60 now untill all the gun effects now if you can make the effects vanilla style or even remove it we will have Brutal Doom Pi Edition hahaha kinda cool if you think about it to have Its own optimized version of it for the pi. I myself have been looking at editing the mods but i seen to keep breaking them if i mess with it lol I know theres a small Raspberry Pi doom community here :P and i was wondering if anyone gotton it to run good and can send it to me.

I mean it runs but all the blood and gun smoke/effects make it lag pretty bad and the over the top explosions too but i believe if you edit the pk3 and remove those it run pretty darn good.

Im kinda curious to see if any one here gotton Brutal Doom to run nicely?